

  • 型号: G6L-1F DC12
  • 制造商: Omron Electronics LLC
  • 库位|库存: xxxx|xxxx
  • 要求:
数量阶梯 香港交货 国内含税
+xxxx $xxxx ¥xxxx



G6L-1F DC12产品简介:

ICGOO电子元器件商城为您提供G6L-1F DC12由Omron Electronics LLC设计生产,在icgoo商城现货销售,并且可以通过原厂、代理商等渠道进行代购。 G6L-1F DC12价格参考。Omron Electronics LLCG6L-1F DC12封装/规格:信号继电器,高达 2 A, 电信 继电器 SPST-NO(1 Form A) 表面贴装。您可以下载G6L-1F DC12参考资料、Datasheet数据手册功能说明书,资料中有G6L-1F DC12 详细功能的应用电路图电压和使用方法及教程。

Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div 生产的 G6L-1F DC12 型号信号继电器是一款适用于多种应用场景的小型继电器,其额定电流为 2 A,工作电压为直流 12V。该继电器具有高可靠性和长寿命的特点,广泛应用于工业自动化、家用电器、汽车电子等领域。

在工业自动化系统中,G6L-1F DC12 继电器常用于控制电路中的开关操作。它可以作为信号传输的中间设备,实现对各种传感器、执行器和控制器之间的信号传递与控制。例如,在PLC(可编程逻辑控制器)系统中,继电器可以用来隔离输入输出信号,确保系统的稳定性和安全性。


在汽车电子系统中,G6L-1F DC12 继电器可用于控制车内灯光、雨刷、电动窗等电气设备。由于其工作电压为直流 12V,正好符合汽车电池的标准电压,因此非常适合用于车载电器的控制。同时,继电器的高可靠性和抗干扰能力也使其能够在复杂的汽车环境中稳定工作。

在通信设备中,G6L-1F DC12 继电器可用于电源管理、信号切换等场合。例如,在基站设备中,继电器可以用于控制备用电源的切换,确保通信系统的不间断运行。此外,它还可以用于信号隔离,防止电磁干扰对通信信号的影响。

除了上述领域,G6L-1F DC12 继电器还可用于安防系统、医疗设备、办公自动化设备等多种场合。其小型化设计和低功耗特性使得它在空间有限且需要高效能的应用中表现出色。

总之,Omron G6L-1F DC12 信号继电器凭借其可靠的性能和广泛的适用性,成为众多行业中不可或缺的关键组件。
产品参数 图文手册 常见问题
参数 数值





信号继电器,高达 2 A


Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div





G6L-1F DC12


无铅 / 符合限制有害物质指令(RoHS)规范要求









1.2 VDC


G6L 8007B












-40°C ~ 70°C


125VAC,60VDC - 最小值




密封式 - 全部




180 mW






800 欧姆






SPST-NO(1 A 型)









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品牌:TE Connectivity Potter & Brumfield Relays







型号:G6J-2P-Y DC24

品牌:Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div




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品牌:Omron Electronics Inc-EMC Div





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PDF Datasheet 数据手册内容提取

Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L Extremely Thin SPST-NO Flat Relay, One of the Thinnest Relays in the World •For high-density mounting and slim finished packaging, G6L uses 20% less mounting area and 67% less volume in comparison with the G5V-1 relay. (cid:127)Measures just 7.0 (W) x 10.6 (L) x 4.2 (H) mm for surface- mount or 3.8 (H) for through-hole. (cid:127)High dielectric strength: 1,000 VAC between coil and contacts and 750 VAC between contacts of the same polarity. (cid:127)Conforms to FCC Part 68 impulse withstand voltage rating of 1.5kV for 10 x 160 µs. (cid:127)Conforms to UL60950 (File No. E41515) / CSA C22.2 No. 60950 (File No. LR31928). (cid:127)Use of lead completely eliminated. Ordering Information Contact form Construction Mounting type Model SPST-NO Fully sealed Through-hole terminal G6L-1P Surface-mount terminal G6L-1F Note:1. When ordering, add the rated coil voltage to the model number. Example: G6L-1P 12 VDC Rated coil voltage 2. When ordering tape packing, add "-TR" to the model number. Example: G6L-1F-TR 12 VDC Tape packing Be sure since "-TR" is not part of the relay model number, it is not marked on the relay case. Model Number Legend: G6L(cid:134)-1(cid:134)-(cid:134) 1 2 3 4 1. Relay function 3. Terminal shape None: Non-latching P: PCB terminals 2. Contact form F: Surface-mount terminals 1: SPST-NO 4. Packaging None: Tube packaging TR: Tape and reel packaging ■ Application Examples •Peripherals of MODEM/PC (cid:127)Communications equipment (cid:127)Telephones (cid:127)Measurement devices (cid:127)Office automation machines (cid:127)Amusement equipment (cid:127)Audio-visual products (cid:127)Security equipment Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L 1

Specifications ■ Contact Ratings Item Resistive load Contact mechanism Single crossbar Rated load 0.3 A at 125 VAC, 1 A at 24 VDC Carry current 1 A Max. operating voltage 125 VAC, 60 VDC Max. operating current 1 A ■ Coil Ratings Item Voltage Rating Rated voltage 3 VDC 4.5 VDC 5 VDC 12 VDC 24 VDC Rated current 60.0 mA 40.0 mA 36.0 mA 15.0 mA 9.6 mA Coil resistance 50.0 Ω 112.5 Ω 139.0 Ω 800.0 Ω 2,504.0 Ω Pick-up voltage 75% max. of rated voltage Dropout voltage 10% min. of rated voltage Maximum voltage 150% of rated voltage 130% of rated voltage Power consumption Approx. 180 mW Approx. 230 mW Note:1. The rated current and coil resistance are measured at a coil temperature of 23°C with a tolerance of ±10%. 2. The operating characteristics are measured at a coil temperature of 23°C. 3. The maximum voltage is the highest voltage that can be imposed on the relay coil. ■ Characteristics Item Non-latching Relays G6L-1P, G6L-1F Contact resistance (See Note 1) 100 mΩ max. Operate time (See Note 2) 5 ms max. (approx. 1.1 ms) Release time (See Note 2) 5 ms max. (approx. 0.4 ms) Insulation resistance (See Note 3) 1,000 MΩ min. (at 500 VDC) Dielectric strength Coil and contacts 1,000 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min Contacts of same 750 VAC, 50/60 Hz for 1 min poles Surge withstand Coil and contacts 1,500 VAC, 10 × 160 µs voltage Vibration Mechanical durability 10 to 55 Hz, 1.65-mm single amplitude (3.3-mm double amplitude) Malfunction durability 10 to 55 Hz, 1.65-mm single amplitude (3.3-mm double amplitude) Shock Mechanical durability 1,000 m/s2 Malfunction durability 100 m/s2 Service life Mechanical 5,000,000 operations min. (at 36,000 operations/hour) Electrical 100,000 operations min. (with a rated load at 1,800 operations/hour) Failure rate (P level) (See Note 4) 1 mA at 5 VDC Ambient temperature Operating: -40°C to 70°C (with no icing or condensation) Humidity Operating: 5% to 85% RH Weight Approx. 0.6 g Note:1. The contact resistance was measured with 10 mA at 1 VDC with a fall-of-potential method. 2. Values in parentheses are actual values. 3. The insulation resistance was measured with a 500-VDC Megger Tester applied to the same parts as those used for checking the dielec- tric strength. 4. This value was measured at a switching frequency of 120 operations/min. This value may vary, depending on switching frequency, oper- ating conditions, expected reliability level of the relay, etc. It is always recommended to double-check relay suitability under actual load conditions. 5. The above values are initial values. 2 Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L

Engineering Data Maximum Switching Capacity Ambient Temperature vs. Ambient Temperature vs. Maximum Voltage Switching Current Switching current (A) 107531 Maximum voltage (%)221505000 3 to 12 VDC Switching current (A)100...2186 AC resistive load 0.7 100 0.5 24 VDC 0.4 DC resistive load 0.3 50 0.2 0.1 0 0 10 30 50 70100 300 5007001,000 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 Switching voltage (V) Ambient temperature (˚C) Ambient temperature (˚C) Note:“Maximum Voltage” is the maximum voltage that can be applied to the relay coil. Endurance Ambient Temperature vs. Must Shock Malfunction Operate or Must Release Voltage ns)1,000 %)100 Y1,000 4erations (10 operatio×5310005300000 24-VDC resistive load basis of rated voltage ( 9876500000 Max. estimated vamammluvaaiengxx.... 1,0X00 200 864200000000 Energized1,0Z00 witching op 1053 125-VAC resistive load On the 432000 amving.. ShX1o,c0Zk0' 0direcXtio'n 468000000 1,0X0'0 S 10 MMuusstt orepleearastee vvoollttaaggee Y Z 1,000Y' USanmit: pmle/:s 2G6L-1F 10 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 −060 −40 −20 0 20 40 60 80 Z' Number of Relays: 10 Switching current (A) Ambient temperature (˚C) Y' Conditions: Shock is applied in ±X, ±Y, and ±Z directions three times each with and without energizing the Relays to check the number of contact malfunctions. Electrical Endurance (with Must Electrical Endurance Contact Reliability Test (Contact Operate and Must Release (Contact Resistance) (See Note) Resistance) (See Note) Voltage) (See Note) ge (%)100 SNTeausmmt pbcleoern: odGfit 6iRoLen-1lsaF:y 1s-:A 1 0resistive load at e (m )1,050000 SNTeausmmt pbcleoern: odGfit 6iRoLen-1lsaF:y 1s-:A 1 0resistive load at NO contact e (m )1,050000 SNTeausmmt pbcleoern: odGfit 6iRoLen-1lsaF:y 1s-:A 1 0resistive load at NO contact olta 80 2S4w-iVtcDhCin gw iftrhe qaune onpceyr: a1t,io8n0 0r aotpee orfa 5tio0n%s/h anc 2S4w-iVtcDhCin gw iftrhe qaune onpceyr: a1t,io8n0 0r aotpee orfa 5tio0n%s/h anc 2S4w-iVtcDhCin gw iftrhe qaune onpceyr: a1t,io8n0 0r aotpee orfa 5tio0n%s/h of rated v 60 Must operate voltage act resist 300 act resist 300 asis mmainx.. Cont 100 Cont 100 max. b e 40 On th Must release voltage 50 Contact resistance mmainx.. 50 min. max. 30 30 20 min. 0 10 10 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 0.1 1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000 10,000 Operating frequency (×103 operations) Operating frequency (×103 operations) Operating frequency (×103 operations) Note:The tests were conducted at an ambient temperature of 23°C. Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L 3

Mutual Magnetic Interference Mutual Magnetic Interference %) 10 %) 10 ESnaemrgpizleed Change rate on the basis of initial value (−1−5050 Sample Energized Change rate on the basis of initial value (−1−5050 Initial 2.54 mm5.08 mm Initial 2.54 mm5.08 mm stage stage Installed in flush configuration Installed in flush configuration Must operate voltage Must operate voltage Must release voltage Must release voltage External Magnetic Interference (Average value) (Average value) (Average value) %)+30 %)+30 %)+30 e ( S N e ( S N e ( S N u u u al+20 al+20 al+20 v v v al al al niti+10 niti+10 niti+10 of i of i of i s s s asi 0 asi 0 asi 0 b b b e e e h h h on t−10 on t−10 on t−10 e e e at at at e r−20 e r−20 e r−20 g g g an Sample: G6L-1F Must operate voltage an Sample: G6L-1F Must operate voltage an Sample: G6L-1F Must operate voltage h Number of Relays: 5 Must release voltage h Number of Relays: 5 Must release voltage h Number of Relays: 5 Must release voltage C−30 C−30 C−30 −1,200 −800 −400 0 400 800 1,200 −1,200 −800 −400 0 400 800 1,200 −1,200 −800 −400 0 400 800 1,200 External magnetic field (A/m) External magnetic field (A/m) External magnetic field (A/m) High-frequency Characteristics High-frequency Characteristics High-frequency Characteristics (Isolation) (Insertion Loss) (Return Loss, V.SWR) (Average value) (Average value) (Average value) dB)100 dB)2.5 dB)70 1.4WR on ( 90 ss ( ss (60 V.SWR V.S Isolati 8700 sertion lo 2 Return lo50 11.2 60 In1.5 40 0.8 50 Return loss 30 40 1 0.6 30 20 0.4 20 0.5 10 0.2 10 0 0 0 1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000 1 10 100 1,000 Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) Frequency (MHz) 4 Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L

Must Operate and Must Release Distribution of Bounce Time Vibration Resistance Time Distribution (See Note) (See Note) Number of contacts 4300 SNaummpbleer: oGf 6RLe-1laFy s: 50 MMuusstt orepleearastee ttiimmee Number of contacts 4300 SNaummpbleer: oGf 6RLe-1laFy s: 50 s of rated value (%)54321.....00000 SNaummpbleer: oGf 6RLe-1laFy s: 5 si Must release voltage 20 20 a0.0 b e h-1.0 n t Must operate voltage 10 10 ate o-2.0 e r-3.0 g an-4.0 h C-5.0 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 Initial After test Time (ms) Time (ms) Note:The tests were conducted at an ambient temperature of 23ºC. Dimensions Unit: mm (inch) G6L-1P PCB Mounting Holes Terminal Arrangement/ (Bottom View) Internal Connections (Bottom View) Tolerance: ±0.1 mm (0.31.58±±00..020 8) (01.04.26±±00..021 ) (0.278±0±.02. 01) (50..0280 ) Orientation mark 2 4 0.2 (0.01) 5.08 (03..154 ) (00..042 ) 5.08 (00..021 ) 1-dia. (70..6320 ) (0.20) 8 5 1.49 (0.20) 5.08 (0.06) (0.20) 7.62 (0.30) Note:Each value has a tolerance of ±0.3 mm. G6L-1F PCB Mounting Holes Terminal Arrangement/ (Top View) Internal Connections Tolerance: ±0.1 mm (Top View) 4.2±0.2 10.6±0.2 7±0.2 7.62 Orientation mark (0.17±0.01) (00..142 ) (0.42±0.01) (0.28±0.01) (0.30) (50..0280 ) (20..6160 ) 8 5 6.74 0.6 0.4 8.4 (0.27) (0.02) (0.02) (0.33) 1.49 2 4 5.08 (0.06) (0.20) 0.8 1.49 7.62 (0.03) (0.06) (0.30) Note:Each value has a tolerance of ±0.3 mm. Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L 5

Packaging ■ ■ Tube Packaging Tape and Reel Packaging (Surface-mount Terminal Relays in tube packaging are arranged so that the orientation mark of each Relay is on the left side. Relays) Always confirm that the Relays are in the correct orientation when mounting the Relays to the PCBs. When ordering Relays in tape and reel packaging, add the suffix "-TR" to the model number, otherwise the Relays in tube packing will Orientation of Relays Stopper (gray) Stopper (green) be provided. Tape type: TB2412R (Refer to EIAJ (Electronic Industries Association of Japan) Reel type: R24D (Refer to EIAJ (Electronic Industries Tube length: 552 mm (stopper not included) Association of Japan) No. of Relays per tube: 50 Relays per reel: 1,000 Direction of Relay Insertion Pulling Direction Orientation mark Top tape (cover tape) Pulling direction Carrier tape Embossed tape Reel Dimensions 25.5±0.5 (1.00±0.02) (12.196.5±0±.10 4) (d0i.a5.11±30±.000.12) 330 (0.20±80±.50 .5) d(i0a..8 2±10.±50) .5 (13) A 80 R1 (3.15) Enlarged View of Section A Carrier Tape Dimensions G6L-1F 4.6±0.1 (0.028±±00.1.0 01) (0.41±60±.10 .1) B A 1.5+00.1dia.(01.0.775±±00.0.10 1) (00..042±±00.0.052 ) (0.18±0.001) 3˚max. 11.5±0.1 (0.45±0.001) 11.2±0.1 24±0.2 (0.44±0.001) (0.94±0.001) 3˚max. 12±0.1 B B-B Cross Section (0.47±0.001) A 8.9±0.1 (0.35±0.1) 3˚max. 3˚max. A-A Cross Section 6 Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L

Recommended Soldering Method ■ Temperature Profile According to IRS When performing reflow-soldering, check the profile on an actual device after setting the temperature condition so that the tempera- Item Preheating Soldering Peak value tures at the relay terminals and the upper surface of the case do not Measuring (T1 to T2, t1) (T3, t2) (T4) exceed the limits specified in the following table. position Terminal 150ºC to 180ºC, 180ºC to 200ºC, 245ºC max. e (˚C) T4 120 s max. 20 to 30 s atur T3 Uofp cpaesr esurface —— —— 250ºC max. er p m The thickness of cream solder to be applied should be within a range e T T2 between 150 and 200 µm on OMRON's recommended PCB pattern. T1 Correct Soldering Incorrect Soldering Relay Insufficient Excessive amount of amount of Terminal solder solder PCB SoLldaenrd Visually check that the Relay is properly soldered. t1 t2 Preheating Soldering Time (s) ■ Approved Standards UL approval: UL60950 (File No. E41515) CSA approval: C22.2 No.60950 (File No. LR31928) Contact form Coil rating Contact rating Number of test operations SPST-NO G6L-1P and G6L-1F: 3 to 24 VDC 1A at 30 VDC 6,000 0.5A at 60 VDC 0.3A at 125 VAC Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L 7

Precautions ■ Correct Use Maximum Voltage The maximum voltage of the coil can be obtained from the coil tem- Handling perature increase and the heat-resisting temperature of coil insulat- ing sheath material. (Exceeding the heat-resisting temperature may Leave the Relays packed until just prior to mounting them. result in burning or short-circuiting). The maximum voltage also involves important restrictions which include the following: Soldering (cid:127)Must not cause thermal changes in or deterioration of the insulating material. Solder: JIS Z3282, H63A (cid:127)Must not cause damage to other control devices. Soldering temperature: Approx. 250ºC (At 260ºC if the DWS method (cid:127)Must not cause any harmful effect on people. is used.) (cid:127)Must not cause fire. Soldering time: Approx. 5 s max. (approx. 2 s for the first time and Therefore, be sure not to exceed the maximum voltage specified in approx. 3 s for the second time if the DWS method is used.) the catalog. Be sure to adjust the level of the molten solder so that the solder will As a rule, the rated voltage must be applied to the coil. A voltage not overflow onto the PCB. exceeding the rated value, however, can be applied to the coil pro- vided that the voltage is less than the maximum voltage. It must be Claw Securing Force During Automatic noted that continuous voltage application to the coil will cause a coil temperature increase thus affecting characteristics such as electrical Insertion life and resulting in the deterioration of coil insulation. During automatic insertion of Relays, make sure to set the securing Coating force of the claws to the following values so that the Relay character- istics will be maintained. Relays mounted on PCBs may be coated or washed. Do not apply silicone coating or detergent containing silicone, otherwise the sili- C cone coating or detergent may remain on the surface of the Relays. B A Direction A: 5.0 N max. Direction B: 5.0 N max. Direction C: 5.0 N max. Secure the claws to the area indicated by shading. Do not attach them to the center area or to only part of the Relay. Environmental Conditions During Operation, Storage, and Transportation Protect the Relays from direct sunlight and keep the Relays under normal temperature, humidity, and pressure. ALL DIMENSIONS SHOWN ARE IN MILLIMETERS. To convert millimeters into inches, divide by 25.4 OMRON ELECTRONICS LLC OMRON CANADA, INC. OMRON ON-LINE One East Commerce Drive 885 Milner Avenue Global - http://www.omron.com Schaumburg, IL 60173 Toronto, Ontario M1B 5V8 USA - http://www.omron.com/oei 847-882-2288 416-286-6465 Canada - http://www.omron.com/oci Cat. No. K119-E3-1 11/02 Specifications subject to change without notice Printed in USA 8 Ultra-thin Low Signal Relay G6L